This week in maths we have been using the whole part model to solve addition and looking at fact families.
In English, our book for Read Write Inc is ‘In the Sun’ so we pretended to visit the beach and then wrote a postcard using past tense verbs to tell someone about our adventure.
In science we discussed the changes that we have noticed now that autumn is here.
On Thursday we helped raise awareness for mental health by wearing yellow to school. In class we talked about keeping our minds healthy, talking about our feelings and any worries we may have.
Our attendance this week was 97.3%. This is much better than last week, well done.
Our Learning Hero this week went to Sam for being resilient in English and completing a lovely postcard telling his Grandma about his visit to the beach. Our Handwriting Hero went to Elissa for trying hard to form her letters tall using out handwriting lines.
Please ensure that all your children's clothes are labelled as we have 6 jumpers in our box without names. This includes PE kit.
We are holding a Halloween Disco on Thursday 24th October. For year 1 our time slot is 5-6pm. Tickets are available to buy on Parent Pay and cost £2. This includes a drink, crisps, a cake and sweets.
Don't forget we are collecting the Aldi stickers so please bring them in if you have any.
Spellings this week are; 'you', 'his', 'has' 'and' 'I'. We are on page 6 of the homework book.
Have a lovely weekend.