Early Years Foundation Stage

A bit about us...
The department has three classes Bumble Bees, Honey Bees and Clover Bees which span Nursery through to Reception. The curriculum follows the guidance set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. We have worked hard over a number of years to develop a research-based child-led approach that ensures all of our children get the best possible start to their education and leave Reception as confident, resilient and inspired learners.
Please see our curriculum unit plans, sequences and matrices for an overview which details how we use the EYFS curriculum and how this links to the National Curriculum.
We endeavour to offer a broad and balanced curriculum that prepares our children for the National Curriculum. These long term plans may change in order to pursue areas of specific interests. We give regular curriculum and learning focus updates in the form of ‘topic webs’ which will be shared each term.
How will you know what your child is learning about?
Topic webs
The Early Years Curriculum is broken down into the following areas
Unit Planners
Unit Sequencing
We plan learning opportunities both indoor, outdoor and through experiences (trips/experience days). Please see some of the exciting learning that takes place below.
Communication and Interaction.
Physical Development
In addition to the variety of outdoor equipment available to support physical development, the children will take part in fun activities like Squiggle, Dough Disco and Make Your Mark. Physical Development is woven into all areas of learning and materials are carefully selected to support the different levels of development from the variety of bikes outside, down to the differentiated crayons, spades and brushes.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Our curriculum is designed to focus heavily of areas of PSED within the Autumn term. Where children will learn about every day super heroes eg doctors and nurses, emotions and settling into school. Children will be taught social skills such as sharing and turn taking, along specific sessions using the Zones of Regulation emotional Literacy Program
At Manchester Road we focus on enjoyment of reading, developing rich vocabulary to become independent writers. We use the Write Stuff Literacy scheme, Read Write Inc Phonics Scheme and The Power of Reading Approach to learning. Please see the curriculum design area for further information on how we teach reading and writing at Manchester Road.
We use the White Rose scheme of work to develop mathematical understanding and reasoning. The children will develop understanding through concrete materials, pictorial images and in written formats.
Understanding the World
To support the learning in this area we plan lots of trips and experience days in school.
Some trips include
Local areas visits and walks to experience the changes of the seasons, look at homes and local landmarks.
Visits to local places of workship may include the church or the mosque
Picnics in the park-spotting mini beasts
A visit to Blackpool Zoo and a trip back in time to look at the dinosaur exhibit
A trip to the seaside observing changes in landscape between coastal areas and urban cities.
These are just some of the exciting enhancements in place. Please see the photographs below.
Expressive Arts and Design
Children explore their creative means of expression through a variety of ways at Manchester Road. We plan opportunities for drama through ‘The Write Stuff’ Literacy framework and role play areas, the children explore different artists and experiment with different media to explore and create their own pieces of art, learn about musicians and composers to begin to develop simple rhythms and record simple scores using instruments. The Power of Reading thematic approach to learning provides the children with a wealth of exciting opportunities that change and develop throughout the school year.