The SEND code of practice

SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years - GOV.UK (

Roles and responsibilities of the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO)

Our SENCOs are responsible for the operation of the Special Needs Policy and co-ordination of specific provision made to support individual children with specific educational needs.

They meet with staff to discuss and monitor pupil’s progress and plan further interventions where progress is slower than expected.

Manchester Road has two SENCOs – Miss Vicky Leah ( Vice Principal) and Katie Evans.

SENCOs have regular contact with external agencies that provide more specialist advice and resources.

There are so many SEN terms that are abbreviated which can lead to confusion (even for us!)

Below is a glossary of the most used terms:

AAP Attendance Advisory Practitioner
ADD Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder
ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder
BESD Behavioural, Emotional & Social Difficulties
BLIS Behaviour Learning Inclusion Support
CAF Common Assessment Framework
CAMHS Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services
CLASS Communication, Language and Autistic Spectrum Support
COP Code of Practice
CP Child Protection
DCD Developmental Co-ordination Disorder
EAL English as an Additional Language
EP Educational Psychologist
FSM Free School Meals
HI Hearing Impairment
IEP Individual Education Plan
ISR In School Review
KS Key Stage
LAC Looked After Child
LEA Local Education Authority
MLD Moderate Learning Difficulty
NC National Curriculum
OT Occupational Therapist
PSCPO Pastoral Support &Child Protection Officer
PSP Pastoral Support Programme
PSS Pupil Support Services
SaLT Speech & Language Therapy
SEN Special Educational Needs
SEND Special Educational Needs & Disability
SENCO Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
SpLD Specific Learning Difficulty
VI Visual Impairment

What is the Local Offer?

The local offer was first introduced in the Green Paper (March 2011) as ‘a local offer of all services available to support disabled children and children with SEN and their families.  This easy to understand information will set out what is normally available in schools to help children with lower-level SEN as well as the options available to support families who need additional help to care for their child.’

Tameside Local Offer

What is the purpose of the Local Offer?

Our Local Offer will provide parents/cares with information about what services are available in their area and how to access them.  With regards to education, it will inform parents/carers and young people about how school can support them during their time at Manchester Road Primary.

Below is a list of questions which reflect parent’s concerns and interests.  These have been answered by the school’s Senior Leadership Group, colleagues and agencies to provide information for parents about SEN support.

Teaching and Learning

1. How does Manchester Road Primary School know if children need extra support?

  • We know when pupils need additional support if concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers or the child. During pupil progress meeting, members of the Senior Leadership Team and the class teacher will discuss children who have not made expected progress and highlight them as needing intervention and support.  If a child has an emotional / social / behavioural need then we have staff experienced in delivering programmes to support.

2. What provision do you offer to facilitate access to the curriculum and to develop independent learning?

  • Each pupil identified as having a special educational need will have their educational programme planned by the class teacher. This may include additional general support from experienced teachers and teaching assistants. Also, their work will be highly differentiated by the class teacher to enable them to access the curriculum more easily.
  • If a pupil has a need more specific to an area of their education, e.g. reading, comprehension, number or spellings etc, then the pupil will be placed in a small focused group. These target groups will be run by both the class teacher and the teaching assistant.  The length of intervention will vary according to the child’s needs and will be reviewed regularly to assess the impact of provision.
  • Where needed, support from outside agencies is encouraged and welcomed. All children at Manchester Road Primary are encouraged to be independent learners; staff embed strategies for children to achieve this. This is introduced in early years and built up throughout school.
  • Resources and equipment to support individual needs are sourced and available for the children and teaching staff within the classroom.
  • Recommendations from outside agencies are incorporated into practice by teachers and other members of staff within school.

3. What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or having?

Different members of staff have received training related to SEND. These include:

  • How to support pupils with social and emotional needs.
  • Reading Recovery
  • Maths recovery
  • FFT- Fisher Family Trust (Literacy programme)
  • BRP- Better Reading Programme
  • Speech and Language Therapist in school (1 full day every 2 weeks) working with children and training staff.
  • Sign language (Makaton)
  • Science Therapy (Experienced Science teacher with experience working with children with SEND)
  • Lego therapy
  • Hotshots

4. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

There may be times when school will call upon outside agencies for specialist advice and support. These may include:

  • SaLT- Speech and Language Therapists
  • CAMHS- Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services
  • Social Services
  • PSS- Pupil Support Services
  • BLIS- Behaviour Learning Inclusion Support
  • CLASS- Communication, Language and Autistic Spectrum Support
  • ISCAN- Integrated Services for Children with Additional Needs
  • MAAT- Multi-Agency Autistic Team
  • School Nurse
  • HSS- Home School Support
  • Youth and Family- Early Help Team
  • EMAT- Equality Multiculturalism and Access Team
  • Educational Psychologist

5. How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

  • Each financial year an SEN budget is allocated and the money is used to provide additional support and resources dependant on an individual’s needs.
  • Through meetings with teaching staff, parents, outside agencies and the child, additional provision will be allocated to support the child.

6. What arrangements are made for reasonable adjustments and support to the child during tests and SATs?

Children with SEN are supported during tests and SATs. Children have access to 1-1 support, readers, scribes or extra time as appropriate.

Keeping Children Safe

7. How and when will a risk assessment be done?

Whenever possible a risk assessment will be undertaken before a child enters school. If this is not possible then it will be carried out as soon as possible. The risk assessments are carried out by the Headteacher, SENCo and a member of the governing body with responsibility for Health & Safety.

8. What handover arrangements will be made at the start and end of the school day?

We encourage children wherever possible to be independent at the beginning and end of the school day. If necessary we can make arrangements to suit the needs of the individual child. School has no access to drop off or pick up points.

9. What arrangements will be made to supervise a child during breaks and lunchtimes?

All children are supervised by school staff at break and lunch times. If a child needs extra supervision at these times then a member of support staff is made available to them. This could be on a small group or an individual 1-1 basis as needed. We have an excellent ‘Playground Leaders’ system where children are trained to encourage play and run games for children who are finding social situations a bit ‘tricky’.

10. How do you ensure my child stays safe outside the classroom? (e.g. during PE lessons and school trips)

When leaving the school premises we ensure that children are kept safe by ensuring that we have at least the minimum ratio of staff to adults required. If a child has additional needs that may lead to them to issues with this, then we ensure that they will have 1-1 support, or additional adults available.

11. Where can parents find details of policies on bullying?

Parents can receive information regarding the school’s anti-bullying policy on the school website –, or alternatively by asking at the school office.

Health (including Emotional Health and Wellbeing)

12. What is the school’s policy on administering medication?

School has a policy on administering medicine which can be found on the website, or alternatively ask at the school office who will supply you with a copy.

13. How do you work with the family to draw up a care plan and ensure that all relevant staff are aware of the plan?

School works closely with families to develop a care plan that will help to meet the needs of the child. The plan is shared with all adults who have dealings with the child. School has a medical register which records the medical needs of all our children. Key information is also kept in the first aid record box.

14. What would the school do in the case of a medical emergency?

In the instance of a medical emergency, a school trained first aider will be called upon to deal with the situation. All first aiders are aware of the needs of individual children. The emergency services will be called if necessary and parents will be informed immediately.

15. How do you ensure that staff are trained/qualified to deal with a child’s particular needs?

For our children with medical needs, we provide training for all staff as needed. We currently have staff who are trained to administer epilepsy medication and adrenalin. We provide this training as an on-going programme in response to the child’s needs.

16. Which health or therapy services can children access on school premises?

If a child in our care requires the support of outside agencies such as health or therapy services then they are very welcome to come into school. We try our upmost to provide space for them to work and incorporate any advice into our practice.

Communication with Parents

17. How do you ensure that parents know “who’s who” and who they can contact if they have concerns about their child?

Teachers within Manchester Road Primary Academy pride themselves on being visible and available for the parents to discuss individual needs at the end of the school day. Our Pastoral Support and Child Protection Officer (Mrs Woods) and SENCOs (Miss Leah and Mrs Brennan) have an ‘Open Door’ policy and will meet with parents promptly, where they can discuss concerns of any kind.

18. How will I know how my child is doing?

  • A review meeting for children with Statements or EHCPs is held annually. All professionals that are involved with the child are invited alongside the child and child’s parents. We also encourage the parents to bring along someone for support if needed. The views of the parents are gained beforehand so they feel supported whilst doing so.
  • All children with SEN have regular review meetings with teachers and parents. The SENCo also attends the meetings for the children currently working at ‘Additional School Support’ level. Targets for IEPs are also discussed. This information is available for the parents to take home. Teachers publish a written report at the end of the school year which can be discussed if needed.
  • Your child’s class teacher will be available at the end of each day if you wish to raise a concern. Appointments can be made to speak in more detail to the class teacher or SENCO by visiting the school office.

19. Do you offer Open Days?

Throughout the year, Manchester Road provides parents with the opportunity to attend open evenings focusing on ‘New to Early Years’, ‘Reading’, ‘Phonics’, ‘Writing’, ‘Maths’ and ‘Year 6 SATS’.  These evening allow parents to ask questions, take away strategies and resources to help support their child at home.

Parents can give feedback in various ways including;

  • School questionnaires
  • At the end of each school day
  • 3 parents evenings a year
  • Suggestion box (in reception)
  • Suggestion section on the Facebook page (Coming soon)
  • End of year report

Working Together

20. Do you have home/school contracts?

All parents/children are asked to sign a home/school agreement before starting at Manchester Road Primary Academy.

21. What opportunities do you offer for children and parents to have their say?

School operates a school council which is active in allowing children to give their views to the school. Parents are encouraged to take an active part in their child’s learning through IEP meetings, parent’s evenings, workshops and informal learning sessions, for example. School has a ‘Suggestion Box’ in reception and we are currently developing a parent forum on our Facebook page which gives parents the opportunities to share their views.  Our PSCPO is available to support parents where needed.

22. What opportunities are there for parents to get involved in the life of the school or become school governors?

School welcomes parents to help in school, whether that be to hear children read, support practical activities or to escort children on a trip outside the school premises. There are also parents represented on the Governing body of the school.

23. How does the Governing Body involve other agencies in meeting the needs of pupils with SEN and supporting their families?

Kim Brogan (parent governor) is responsible for children with special educational needs. She is actively aware of the children on the SEN register, what intervention they are receiving and what agencies are involved.

24. What information, advice and guidance can parents access through the school?

The SENCOs or PSCPO will aid parents in filling in forms and paperwork. This can be requested informally or we offer to support parents if we are aware that help may be required. Any parent who needs the guidance can request to speak to our PSCPO. A private place to speak can be made available. Signposting to other agencies who may be able to help families is also done through either our PSCPO or SENCOs.

Transition to High School

25. What support does the school offer around transition?

If a child with SEN is due to change school, to a high school for example, then we will contact the next school and request a meeting to discuss needs, strategies and what works for the young person. We can also arrange and support extra visits to familiarise the child with their new surroundings. We work closely with the new school to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Transition within school is also planned carefully. Opportunities to visit new classrooms and meet new staff are given. Staff will meet for a handover meeting where needs, strategies and techniques are discussed at length.

Feeder high school often run workshops starting in Year 5; allowing the children to familiarise themselves with the schools beforehand.

Extra-Curricular Activities

26. Do you offer school holiday and/or before and after school childcare?

At Manchester Road there is the ‘Face Club’ which is before and after school childcare run by Mary Higginbotham.  For further information regarding times and cost, please contact Mary on 07503 324153.

27. What lunchtime or after school activities do you offer?

School offers a variety of extra-curricular activities which are available for all children, regardless of their SEN. Staff will do their upmost to ensure that clubs are accessible to all children who wish to attend. The majority of these clubs are free but there are occasionally clubs where a small charge is made to cover costs. The clubs that are running this term are:


Little Chefs (Autumn 2)


  • Ready Steady Cook (Healthy Eating)
  • Energy Club
  • Reading Eggs
  • Year 2 Reading Rocks
  • Year 2 Mega Maths club
  • Family Maths Y1
  • Gardening club


  • Sports Club (including football, hockey, tennis and cricket)
  • E-safety Cadets
  • Chess Club
  • Mini Motivators
  • Year 6 booster
  • Homework Club (Lunchtime)
  • Poetry Club (Spring)
  • Art Club

28. How do you help children to make friends?

Manchester Road strives to make the children’s journey through school enjoyable and a happy time, therefore we promote positive friendships and create opportunities for friendships to grow through a range of approaches:

  • Playground leaders at lunch time
  • Playground buddies
  • Collaborative tasks and group work
  • Hotshots
  • Assembles and celebrations
  • Team building activities
  • Children’s choice time – cross year groups
  • Social events- school discos, school fairs etc.
  • Year 6 Residential

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the office on 0161 370 3079 where our team will be glad to help.


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