Our attendance for last week was 94%. This needs to improve!! We had 4 late marks.
I have updated the book bands on Active Learn to reflect these so please ensure your child logs on to check out what is new.
It's been a week filled with Christmas fun! We have made Christmas cards, calendars, coloured in workshops and so much more!
We also had our Christmas Carol Concert on Thursday. The children have worked so hard on this over the past term and I was so proud watching them up on that stage.
In Music, we have been using the drums with Mr White and are developing our understanding of rhythm and pitch.
In art, we created an image to represent Stonehenge. We used water colours to create different tones.
This week our focus word was:
Next term we will be focusing on:
Our Gold Card Champions were:
Our Championship Point winners were:
Our winning house was Honesty!
Key information:
Swimming is EVERY MONDAY. PLEASE ensure that your child's clothing is labelled and they are given a bag to carry this in. We have had lots of items go missing and this would help us greatly.
P.E is EVERY WEDNESDAY. Again please ensure a full kit is provided each week. This can remain in school and children can take it home at the end of term.
Home Learning is given out on Wednesdays/Thursdays. Children are expected to complete this by the following Monday. If this is not completed then they will be expected to attend home work club.
Reading books are changed as much as possible throughout the week. The more we read the better writers we will become so we encourage as much as possible but expect at least a book to be changed once a week.
Upcoming Events:
20/12/19 - Finish for half term
07/01/20 - Return to school