We have had a fantastic week in Year 5 this week.
In English, we have continued looking at The Tear Thief. We have created our own mystical creatures! We then gathered lots of vocabulary to describe these creatures and put them into sentences. We then used all this to create our very own character descriptions. They were absolutely stunning. The use of vocabulary and figurative language was amazing.
In Maths, we have been looking at fractions. We started the week by converting between improper and mixed fractions. The children did really well and were pros by the end of Tuesday! We then moved onto ordering and comparing fractions by making their denominators or numerators the same.
In Science, looked at how we can separate mixtures. We used different sized sieves to separate the different sized objects in the mixture.
In Computing, we became hackers! Using software, we infiltrated different websites HTML (Just like hackers or spies) and changed the HTML code to make the website say something different. The children had a lot of fun and came up with some very interesting and funny headlines about Boris Johnson on the BBC news headlines!
In Topic, Mr Hoyle continued the topic of Anglo Saxons. Children were learning about who they were and where they came from!
Stars of the week in Year 5 this week were Sophie for amazing English work and Ben for super effort with his handwriting and presentation! Well done for demonstrating fantastic learning powers this week!
A quick reminder about homework! Children bring home a comprehension every Friday and we ask that they are brought back in on a Tuesday. They also have access to Active Learn bug club. This allows them to read stories and complete short quizzes about them. All children should now have their log ins and be able to access this amazng resource! Please encourage them to use it!