In English, we have continued with our book The Adventures of the Egg Box Dragon. We read on in our story and found out that the famous Egg Box Dragon was also known by the Queen, who had read about him in the newspaper. This week we continued investigating the picture from the book that we had written a caption about. We then read that the Queen was inviting princes and princesses to a Royal tea party. We discussed what a tea party is and researched garden tea parties held by Queen Elizabeth II. We looked at invitations and examined what is needed on an invitation and the formal language used, so that we could write our own invitations in the role of the Queen. We learnt about adjectives and how to use them in our writing. We have continued with handwriting and reading and spelling common exception words to help with our fluency.
In phonics we are revising previous learnt sounds and learning new sounds. This will aid reading and we appreciate you reading with your child. Remember Active Learn is a great site to encourage reading and build comprehension skills.
During our Maths lessons we have continued comparing objects. Alongside using the language more, less, fewer, less than, equal to, greater than and more than to compare amounts of objects and creating sentences using this vocabulary. We introduced the symbols > greater than, < less than and = equal to.
We had a history day in school and we went back in time to experience life as a Victorian child in school and at work. We had great fun and discovered that life as a Victorian child was very difficult. We then wrote a diary entry in character and we produced some outstanding diary entries. Our handwriting is improving all the time. We started computing lessons this week and we learnt about internet safety. The children were knowledgeable about games and You Tube online.
Learning Hero - Renaya
Handwriting Hero - Rida
Extraordinary Zone - Oscar, Summer, Renaya and Grace
Championship Winners - Freddie-Lee, Grace and Olivia
Winning House - Respect
Learning Hero - Isabella
Handwriting Hero - Meadow
Extraordinary Zone - Meadow, Isaac, Raife and Jack
Championship Winners - Liya, Harry and Meadow
Winning House - Determination
Well done to all!
Home Learning
See Teams for this weeks CEW spellings, reading on Active Learn (books have been assigned this week) and Sumdog Maths. Look out for a challenge in the classes on Sumdog. Who will be victorious?
Sumdogs - Anais, Oliver, Summer, Marshall and Emily - Competition winner Anais!
Active Learn completed books - Anais and Harper
Sumdogs - Walter, Bobbie, Oliver, Meadow, Isabella, Daisy, Raife, Awa, Sophie, Poppy and Isaac - Competition Winner Walter
Active Learn completed books - Walter, Daisy, Brooke and Meadow
More children need to access Active Learn and Sumdog!
Key Information
- Please come in your PE kits for PE on Tuesdays.
- Reading books have been sent out today. Please bring them back on Friday to be changed.
- Keep up to date via Twitter at @MRPAyear1A or Teams @MRPAyear1B
-The books that have been sent home are in the case of our bubble closing and us having to go back to home learning.
Have a lovely weekend