
In English, we have continued with our book The Adventures of the Egg Box Dragon. We read on in our story and discovered that the Queen's crown was missing her diamond! We have had a focus on adjectives this week; what they are and how we can use them to help find the missing diamond. We then used those adjectives to create a lost poster for the diamond. When we read on in the story. The Egg Box Dragon came to help and found the diamond in a magpies nest along with other things! We created adjective word banks to describe the items in the nest. We wonder what will happen in the last part of our story?
We have continued with handwriting and reading and spelling common exception words to help with our fluency. The children in 1B beat the teacher with their spellings of CEWs twice this week! 

In phonics we are revising previous learnt sounds and learning new sounds. This will aid reading and we appreciate you reading with your child. Remember Active Learn is a great site to encourage reading and build comprehension skills. 


During our Maths lessons we have been ordering objects and numbers. We used language such as greatest and smallest, discussed which groups had more or less and put them in order (greatest to smallest or smallest to greatest). We deepened our understanding by solving problems and explaining our answers. 

We have also been busy with Dance, History, Art and History. Children have loved learning dances with the dance teacher! I wonder if any have shown you at home? In Art we continued building our sketching skills and looked closely at a piece of William Morris wallpaper. We then sketched part of it. In History we discussed the changes that happened during Victorian Britain.



Learning Hero - Kian

Handwriting Hero -  Grace

Extraordinary Zone -  Zayn, Mason, Jack T and Oscar

Championship Winners - Oliver, Emily and Freddie

Winning House -  Passion


Learning Hero - Harry

Handwriting Hero - Brooke

Extraordinary Zone - None this week :(

Championship Winners - Isaac, Flynn and Poppy

Winning House - Passion

Well done to all! 

Home Learning

See Teams for this weeks CEW spellings, reading on Active Learn and Sumdog Maths. Look out for a challenge in the classes on Sumdog. Who will be this weeks victor?


Sumdogs - Oliver, Summer, Marshall and Emily.  Anais is our competition winner! 

Active Learn completed books - Marshall, Renaya, Anais and Jack T.


Sumdogs - Only 8 children accessed our competition this week! Well done to Oliver, Isabella, Brooke, Daisy, Awa, Meadow, Walter and  Sophie - Competition Winner Oliver!

Active Learn completed books - Walter, Daisy, Brooke and Meadow! 


Key Information

- Please come in your PE kits for PE on Tuesdays.

- Reading books have been sent out today. Please bring them back on Friday to be changed. 

- Keep up to date via Twitter at @MRPAyear1A or @MRPAyear1B

-Please make sure you have access to Teams. If you do not have your log in, please let us know. 

-We finish for a weeks holiday on Friday 23rd October. The last day (Friday 23rd October) will be a non-uniform day.

Have a lovely weekend