We have had a very busy week in Year 2A this week!
In my RWI group, we have been learning all about the Moon, to tie in with our ‘Significant People’ topic. I’m excited about our fact files next week!
In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting. We started off with ones, and moved on to multiples of 10. Next week we are moving on to column addition, so get those maths brains ready!
We started our exciting Music lessons this week, and learned all about beats and syllables. I’m looking forward to learning more over the next few weeks. We may have started to learn some festive songs too...
Our attendance was 95.7% this week, which needs to improve. We only had 3 late marks though! Can we get that down even more next week?!
Our championship point winners this week were Self Belief, and Kourtney was our Learning Hero for her independent use of strategies in Maths. Smarty Bear has gone home with Kingsley this week, because he is an excellent role model and always works hard!