We have had a very busy week in 2A this week!
In my RWI group, we have written fact files all about the Moon. Good work team! In Maths we have done some amazing learning of column addition; I am so impressed with how hard we have all worked! We are moving on to column subtraction next week, which is amazing. Our Science has been all about changing materials, and we did some exciting testing of materials this week.
Our attendance this week was 96.7%, which needs to improve. We had 4 late marks, an increase from last week.
The winning house this week was Passion, and our point winners were Lexie, Evie and Silver. Our Learning Hero was Benjamin. He has been SO engrossed in his learning the past couple of weeks, which is lovely to see. Smarty Bear has gone home with Isabelle, whose confidence and independence has improved so much since starting Year 2. Our Handwriting Hero was Oscar. His writing in RWI sessions is SO beautiful, I couldn’t believe it! We had three extraordinary zones this week, for some excellent independent Mathematicians. Well done to all of our certificate winners.
Next week is our Black History Week, and all of our learning will be based around this. I am looking forward to learning about lots of inspiring people in our last week of this half term! Our last day is the 25th October, and we return to school on the 4th November.