In 1A we have had a busy week of learning.
In maths, we have been learning about fact families in addition and number bonds within 10. We have been working on writing systematic number sentences in our maths book.
In RWI, we have completed set 2 sounds and have used adjectives to describe the puppets we made. We have written super sentences concentrating on letter formation and punctuation.
In Topic, we learnt about the jobs children did in Victorian times and took in part in role play being a Victorian working child.
Attendance this week was 94% and we had 4 late marks. Ideally attendance should be 97% and above.
Learning Hero was Joshua.
Handwriting Hero was Josiah L
Extraordinary winners Gabby and Olly.
Championship winners were Josh, Josiah W and Meme.
The winning house was Passion.
page 7 and week 5 spellings
Important Dates
Next week - Black History Week
Break up for half term on Friday 25th October