This week we have been celebrating Black History Month. Our inspirational famous person was Michael Jordan. We shared the story ‘Dream Big’ and wrote our own dreams for the future. We discussed how Michael had ambition, determination and that he was dedicated to achieve his dream. We then wrote a letter to tell Michael how proud we are of him and how he has inspired us.
We created African inspired art using block painting which took a lot on concentration from the children to stay in the lines. Some of our work will be on display in the hall so next time you’re in you can see our fabulous art work.
In maths this week we have been learning our number bonds to 10 and then comparing number bonds using less than, greater than and equal to.
We had 7 children on the Extraordinary Zone this week so we've definitely been working hard.
We had our Gold Card assembly on Thursday and our 3 winners for year 1B were Sadiq, Luka and Layton. Well done boys.
Last week our attendance was 96%. So close to our target of 97%.
Other news
Our Halloween Disco was a great success. There were some amazing costumes and dancing.
Please collect empty plastic bottles as we’re making recycled Christmas tree decorations for the Stalybridge Winter Carnival. These need to be brought into school week beginning Monday 4th November.
Home Learning
Spellings this week are; ‘me’ ‘she’ ‘we’ ‘no’. Remember to practise reading the words and then spelling them. Can you then put them into a sentence? We are on page 8 of the homework book. We have also asked if over the holiday you can practise rapid recall on number bonds to 10.
Dont forget to use Active Learn too for extra reading.
We change reading books on a Monday and Thursday. This week on Thursday we only had 8 books to change