We’ve had a super first week back and a great start to Autumn 2 term. This week in maths we have been looking at subtraction and using number stories to help us. We’ve noticed the children are getting speedier at our ‘Hit the button’ game for number bonds which means they’ve been practising over the holidays.
This half term we will be finishing off our history topic of Victorians and have a great Design Technology project for the children to create. This half term PE has changed to Monday and Wednesdays as we have Active Tameside Services in teaching dance. This week we created our recycled tree decorations for the Stalybridge Winter Carnival. Christmas came early with all the glitter and glue we used.
Our Handwriting Hero went to Harry for trying hard to make his letters smaller and for being resilient during handwriting practice.
Learning Hero this week went to Myla for making links in maths and showing more independence.
Last week our attendance was 98.7%. A great attendance for the last week of half term.
Other news
The Christmas Fair is on Friday 6th December 3.30-5. Tickets are available to purchase on parent pay. Tickets MUST be bought before the fair and they go off sale on Monday 2nd December.
Next week there are a few things happening around school.
Tuesday 12th - wear odd socks day for anti bullying week
Friday 15th - PJ day for Children In Need
Home Learning
Spellings this week are; ‘my’ ‘by’ ‘so‘ go’. Remember to practise reading the words and then spelling them. Can you then put them into a sentence? We are on page 9 of the homework book.
Dont forget to use Active Learn too for extra reading.
We change reading books on a Monday and Thursday.