What a busy week it has been! We have done LOTS of fantastic learning this week, well done everyone!
In English, my group have started a brand new book called The Dark by Lemony Snicket. We have made lots of exciting predictions about what we have read so far. I can’t wait to find out the end of the story!
In Maths, we have mastered adding a 2 digit to a 1 digit number, where there are 10 or more ones (for example, 26+9 or 36+8). We have done this with resources, drawings, and finally column addition. We are going to move on to subtraction next week.
We have started to learn about Grace Darling this week. We watched a BBC video all about her, and created a biography full of lots of interesting facts. I am looking forward to finding out more as we continue with our learning.
We are focussing on e-safety this half term. We thought about what personal information is, and who we should share this with.
Of course, we also created our fantastic recycled Christmas tree decorations. Thank you for all the donations of bottles. They will be put on a tree as part of the Stalybridge carnival next Saturday - 16th November at 5pm.
Our nativity rehearsals are now in full swing, so please practise your lines!!
Our attendance was just in line with our expectations this week, keep it up! We had 2 late marks.
Our championship point winners this week were Evie, Lexie and Kourtney. The winning house was Honesty. Our learning hero was Bella, due to her growing confidence and resilience in Year 2. Our handwriting hero, Corey, is writing consistently and beautifully across all pieces of work! Jake and Lottie got onto the extraordinary zone for their hard work in Maths. Smarty Bear went home with Maisy for her fantastic independent learning so far in Year 2. What a lot of people we have celebrated this week!