This week we completed an experiment to find which material would protect an egg when dropped from a height. We discussed how to make the experiment fair and what we needed to do to ensure this. The children were very excited about uncovering the results.
In Math this we have been working on subtraction: take away, counting back, find the difference and next week we will finish looking at the fact families for addition and subtraction.
This week was anti-bullying week so on Tuesday we wore odd socks to raise awareness and in PSHE discussed what behaviours were deemed as bullying as this can be a difficult concept to understand for younger children. Today we wore our pjs to raise money for Children in Need, thank you for all your kind donations.
Next Friday is our class assembly starting at 9am in the main hall. It would be wonderful if you were able to come along to see what we’ve been learning about since starting in year 1.
Our Handwriting Hero went to Maddison this week for resilience in using the handwriting lines and trying to form her ascending and defending letters correctly.
Learning Hero this week went to Daisy for showing great collaboration during dance.
Last week our attendance was 93% which is low for our first week back. We also had 12 late marks!
Other news
- Tuesday 19th individual school photos.
- The Christmas Fair is on Friday 6th December 3.30-5. Tickets are available to purchase on parent pay. Tickets MUST be bought before the fair and they go off sale on Monday 2nd December.
- If you know of any local businesses that would be able to donate a prize for our Christmas raffle then please let the office know as we would greatly appreciate it.
- Parents evening is next Thursday 21st, you must have booked an appointment.
- We’re collecting The Sun newspaper tokens to receive over 100 free books. We need to collect 3,500 tokens so please ask your friends and family to save them too. They will be printed each day from the 23rd November.
- Own clothes day Friday 22nd - donation of a bottle for the Christmas fair
Home Learning
Spellings this week are; ‘love’ ‘there’ ‘here’ where ’. Remember to practise reading the words and then spelling them. Can you then put them into a sentence? We are on page 10 of the homework book.
Dont forget to use Active Learn too for extra reading.
We change reading books on a Monday and Thursday.