What a busy week in 1A!
In English, we are preparing to write our big write. We are getting better at applying our phonics when spelling and building writing stamina.
In Mathematics, we have been working on subtraction: take away, counting back, find the difference and next week we will finish looking at the fact families for addition and subtraction. Then we will be learning about shape - 3D and 2D
In Science, we had an ‘eggciting’ time conducting an experiment to find out which material would protect an egg dropped from a height. You’ll be glad to know not many eggs were harmed during this experiment!
We are enjoying taking part in dance this half term and are learning to put together a dance routine with our group.
This week has been National Anti bullying week. The theme this year was ‘Change Starts With Us’. To raise awareness we had a special assembly, a PSHE lesson and all wore odd socks. It has also been Children in Need and we had a fun day dressed in our pyjamas. Thank you for your kind donations.
Celebrations this week: Learning Hero - Gabby, Extraordinary winners - Usman and Meme. Handwriting Hero - Jaxon. Championship Winners- Caitlin, Hope and Sweet. Our winning house - Honesty,
Our attendance 95% we need to be at 97%. Even better would be 100%!
Every Week:
Monday - P.E (please remember PE kits)
Homework due in - comprehension book and spelling book
Reading books due in
Wednesday - Dance (please remember PE kits)
Thursday - Reading books due in
Important Dates
Tuesday 19th - school photo
Thursday 21st - parent’s evening