What a busy week it’s been!
In English, my group have been learning about poetry and similes. Next week, we are going to write our own. In Maths, we have been doing 2-digit subtract 1-digit with exchanging/regrouping. We are going to continue to practise column subtraction next week. In Topic, we have continued our work on Grace Darling and have thought about how she has been portrayed as a heroine. We have been continuing our work on e-safety and thinking about who we know that we can trust with our information.
Our nativity rehearsals are now in full swing. Please bring your lines in every day, and continue to practise at home.
Our attendance this week was 98%, well done! We had 3 late marks.
Our winning house this week was Passion. Antonia was our learning hero due to her excellent use of ActiveLearn at home. Matthew and Maisie were on the extraordinary zones because of their fantastic work in Guided Reading. Benjamin was our handwriting hero because of his improvement in presentation across all books. Jake took home Smarty Bear as he has been working hard to be more independent over the last few weeks.
Please remember - school photographs are on Tuesday 19th November!
I am looking to meeting up with parents on Thursday 21st November for parent’s evening.