We haven’t stopped working this week in Year 2! We are getting through so much learning, it’s so impressive. Well done everyone. What a fantastic week it’s been. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to parent’s evening, it was lovely to talk about the children’s progress.
In English, we wrote a poem about the dark using similes. We also made glow jars, which was great fun! We are going to write instructions about these next week.
In Maths, we worked on column addition and subtraction. We have nearly finished this unit now, our understanding has improved so much!
We had a fantastic talk by Gwyn from the RNLI this week. We learned lots about Grace Darling and water safety. We have started our DT project and are currently in the research stages. We finished off our e-safety unit; the children now know how to keep their personal information safe. In PSHE we celebrated our differences this week, which was lovely to see. In RE, we started to learn about the 3 Wise Men.
There are only 15 school days until the nativity. It is so important that the children learn and memorise their lines. Our songs and dances are amazing - we need our acting to be great too!!
Our attendance this week was 96.7%, which is not in line with expectations. We also had 5 late marks. Remember, learning starts at 8:45!
Our learning hero this week was Maisy, for her excellent reading at home and on ActiveLearn. Layton was on the extraordinary zone for his fantastic writing. He also got to take Smarty Bear home, as he is working incredibly hard across all lessons. Our Handwriting Hero was Daisy, for completing lots of work while maintaining beautiful presentation. Our championship winners were Daisy, Lottie, Silver, Evie and Lexie, while Respect was the winning house.
Important Dates
Friday 29th November - Non-uniform day. Chocolate donations.
Friday 6th December - Christmas Fair 3:30-5pm
Friday 13th December - Christmas Jumper Day
Monday 16th December - KS1 Nativity. 9:30, 2:15, 5:00. The children need to attend all three performances. Please buy tickets on parent pay!!
Wednesday 18th December - Christmas Dinner day.