Our attendance was 97% - Great! We had 6 late marks, remember learning starts from 8.45am.
This week in maths we have been learning about 3D and 2D shapes. The children have enjoyed sharing what they already know and have been keen to learn about the properties of 3D Shapes.
In English, we have learnt about imperative verbs and we are using them in our big write - instructions of how to look after a dog. The children have worked hard on their handwriting and presentation skills.
In dance, the children are learning to follow a dance routine and are growing in confidence in performing in front of the class.
PSHE was about recognising what is special and unique about ourselves and one another. We gave one another compliments and shared what was special about ourselves.
We have started practising our Christmas songs for KS1 Christmas production - Lights, Camel, Action! We have some lovely singers.
Thank you for coming along to Parent’s evening, it was lovely to share all the wonderful things that your children are achieving.
Our Learning Hero was Nevaeh
Extraordinary Zone were Zak and Sweet
Handwriting Hero was Gabby
Championship Winners were Ella Mae, Josiah and Sweet
Winning House was Passion
Important Dates
Friday 29th November - non uniform day and bring chocolate for the Christmas Fair
Friday 6th December - Christmas Fair 3:30pm - 5pm
Weekly Information
Homework is page 11 and spellings are-
year 1 - come some one once
year 2 - class grass pass plant
Challenge: Write sentences using our spellings.
Remember to logon to Active Learn to find exciting books and more reading opportunities.
For maths try Topmarks - Number bonds to 10
Homework is due back Monday
Reading books are due back Monday and Thursday
PE is on Monday and Wednesday