What a fantastic final week of term! I am so proud of our Nativity performances. Well done once again to all of you!
We have spent the week performing, watching rehearsals, completing assessments and doing some lovely Christmas crafts (we hope you like them!)
There have been lots of reasons to celebrate this week. Well done to our Gold Card champions for this half term: Maisy, Macie-Ann and Charlie. Six reading awards were given it to children who have changed their reading books every single week this half term: Silver, Darcey, Corey, Ella, Maisy and Kingsley. Kingsley also received an extra award as he has changed his reading book every day in Autumn 2! Team Passion was the winning house across school, so got to enjoy some time on the bouncy castle on Friday morning.
I hope you all have a lovely two-week break and enjoy the celebrations. See you all on Monday 6th January 2020!