The children performed brilliantly in our dress rehearsal today. Unfortunately the majority of children who were asked to bring additional clothes to add to their costume did not have them! They will need them for all three performances on Monday, so please ensure your child brings in the necessary clothing. I cannot wait for you all to see it!
We have been completing a range of end-of-term assessments this week. This children have been amazing! We are going to finish them off next week. In PSHE we identified different qualities of friendship. In RE, we continued to learn about the 3 Wise Men. In DT, we made a chassis and then planned out our fire engines! In ICT, we used our iPads to help us answer questions in a Christmas quiz.
Our attendance this week was 98.3%, which is much better! We unfortunately still had had 8 late marks. Remember, learning starts at 8:45!
Our learning hero this week was Lottie, for an outstanding improvement in her assessments. She also received an extraordinary zone for her phonics screening score. Evie was on the extraordinary zone for her fantastic nativity performance when another child was absent. Chloe received an extraordinary zone for her impressive research skills. Maisie got to take Smarty Bear home, as I am impressed with how much she has matured over this first term of Year 2. Our Handwriting Hero was Corey for consistent presentation in his handwriting. Our championship winners were Evie, Chloe, Maisy F and Lottie, while Respect was once again the winning house for the third week in a row!
Important Dates
Monday 16th December - KS1 Nativity. 9:30, 2:15, 5:00. The children need to attend all three performances. Please buy tickets on parent pay!!
Thursday 19th December - Christmas Dinner day.
Friday 20th December - Party day and the last day of term!
Monday 6th January 2020 - back to school for the spring term.