Welcome back 4A!
We have had a busy start back to school and the children have settled back into the school routine ready to start our new topics for the Spring term.
This week we started our new text "The Mousehole Cat" in English and Reading. We have been using our inference and deduction skills.
In maths we have continued working on multiplication and division and have moved on to multiplying 3 numbers. There are challenges set between the year 4 classes and teachers on Times Table Rock Stars, please make sure your child is using their account and practicing their times tables.
Our new topic in science is sound and we have been investigating how we can change the pitch of different instruments.
This terms topic is the Romans! In art we have looked at mosaics, specifically pieces created by Sonia King. Next week we will be looking at traditional Roman pieces and comparing them. This week we looked at when the Roman period was and used our prior learning to understand where the events have come compared to the Egyptian time period.
Super Learning Hero!
Our super learning hero was given the certificate this week for their resilience in the class with their learning and around school.
Extraordinary Zone!
This week we have had three children on the extraordinary zone for their ambitious vocabulary during English to describe a storm. Well done to Libby, Mahdi and Koby!
Key Dates:
Wednesday 22nd January 2020 school trip to Dewa Chester Roman Experience
This term P.E. is on Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure P.E. kits are in school.
As a school we pay for online resources such as Active Learn https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0 and Times Table Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/
The children should be accessing these at least once a week to develop key comprehension skills and fluency within Maths.