What a busy week we have had with lots of new learning!
This week we had our Trip to the Dewa Roman Experience in Chester. The children went on a soldier patrol to the amphitheater in Chester and were archeologists trying to find Roman artefacts.
Here are some pictures to show what we got up to:
Thank you to the staff and parent helpers that made the trip so great!
In English and Reading this week we have been looking at poetry with the theme of storms. The children have learnt and identified poetry techniques such as: personification, rhyming couplets, similes and metaphors. The children have come up with some brilliant ideas for their storm poem, with a mind map, ready to write next week.
In maths the children have continued with multiplication and have been looking at the different ways we can mentally calculate a 2 digit number times 1 digit number. They have also been on Times Tables Rock Stars. Unfortunately, 4B have beaten us in the battle this week. Keep practicing at home so we can beat them next week! It is important the children practice their times tables as much as possible.
This week in art the children analysed a modern mosaic looking at form, context, contrast, process and mood. They then used these skills to compare and contrast with Roman mosaics. In science we were getting ready to start our investigation into which material will make an effective muffler of sound. In ICT the children started their new topic of data and were looking at binary code and had a go at cracking binary code - it was SURPRISE!
Learning Hero!
This week Holly was our learning hero for their resourcefulness with learning, using all the resources at her disposal, continuing to practice work at home and their perseverance to complete work to a high standard. Well done!
Key Information
Your children have been given their logins for Active learn. Their username is their name e.g. Kate.Burgess, their password is class4a (all lower case) and the school is manc (all lower case). It is brilliant to see that some children have already been accessing the books and SPaG lessons.
Active Learn https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0
Times Table Rockstars https://ttrockstars.com/