Our attendance was 90% which is lower than we should be. I hope those that are ill feel better soon. We only had 3 late marks, remember learning starts from 8.45am.

This week in maths we have been learning how to add by making 10. The children were super and by the end of the week most were able to complete their work independently. We had some great reasoning and problem solving involving addition and using their Number bonds to 10. which contributed to lots of children on the extraordinary zone.  Next week, we will be looking at subtraction.

In English, we have held sentences and corrected sentences with missing punctuation and spelling mistakes. Today we started answering questions by using our retrieval skills when reading a book. The children have worked hard on their handwriting and presentation skills. 

In geography, the children learnt about different settlements and they discussed any they had visited.

In science, we observed our beans that we planted to check for any changes. The children were amazed at the rate of growth and were excited to take their plants home. Tweet and let us know how their are doing. We also wrote the conclusion for our science experiment on growing plants in different conditions.

PSHE Is all about being healthy and the choices we make.


Our Learning Hero - Josiah L

Handwriting Hero - Katie

Extraordinary Zone - Meme, Josiah W, Usman and Sweet

Championship point - Georgie, Katie and Kian

Winning House -Respect

Weekly Information

Homework is page 19

Challenge: Write sentences using our spellings.

Remember to logon to Active Learn to find exciting books and more reading opportunities.

For maths try Topmarks - Number bonds to 10/20

Homework is due back Monday

Reading books are due back Monday and Thursday

PE is on Monday and Tuesday


Year 1 Walk Thursday 6th February AM

We need 3 parent helpers!

If you could help please let me know.

Friday 28th February AM Hindu Temple visit

Again we need 3 parent helpers. Thank you!

Friday 7th February - children can dress in the colours of the LGBT flag.

Thursday  5th March - World Book Day

Tuesday 10th March - children’s art gallery.