Our attendance was 97% which is much better. But could we be super great and get even higher attendance. We 5 late marks, more than last week, remember learning starts from 8.45am.
This week in maths we have been learning subtraction within 20. The children have subtracted using tens frames and counters. After lots of practical subtraction calculations they were able to complete subtraction sentences. We will be continuing with subtraction, so if you get chance, practise with them using everyday experiences and objects to help them develop speed in subtracting. ‘You had 5 apples and ate 2 how many are left?’
In English, we have held sentences and corrected sentences with missing punctuation and spelling mistakes. Today we have built a sentence using the suffix ‘ing.’ The children have worked hard on their handwriting and presentation skills.
In geography, the children went on a local walk to identify features in Droylsden. We compared features of a town and village. Thank you to our lovely helpers on the walk.
In science, we compared plants noting similarities and differences between a carrot and tulip. We carried out dissection of plants and labelled the parts of a plant. I hope the plants at home are doing well.
PSHE Is all about being healthy and identifying healthy and unhealthy foods. The children designed a healthy lunch box. They all recognise healthy foods and just need encouragement to make healthy choices.
This week as part of LGBT awareness month we discussed how unique and special we all are. Then we drew a picture of ourselves using the title ‘What makes me me’
Next week is Eco week and we will be learning about different environments and how to protect our planet through recycling.
Our Learning Hero - Usman
Handwriting Hero - Kian
Extraordinary Zone - Meme, Josiah W and Usman
Championship point - Josh, Nevaeh and Katie
Winning House - Passion
Weekly Information
Homework is page 20
Challenge: Write sentences using our spellings.
Remember to logon to Active Learn to find exciting books and more reading opportunities.
For maths try Topmarks - Number bonds to 10/20
Homework is due back Monday
Reading books are due back Monday and Thursday
PE is on Monday and Tuesday
Break up 14th February - back in school Monday 24th February
Friday 28th February AM Hindu Temple visit
Again we need 3 parent helpers. Thank you!
Thursday 5th March - World Book Day
Tuesday 10th March - children’s art gallery.
Thursday 19th March - Parents’ Evening