Welcome back from half term!
It is lovely to see the children back from half term looking ready and eager to learn!
We started our new text in English, the diary of a young Roman Soldier. So far we have carried out a text deduction using pictures and information from the book, read chapter 1 and generated ideas for What a Roman soldier would need to be. We have focused on subordination in sentences this week and using 'I SAW A WABUB!'
In maths we have started to look at area. We had a go at measuring area using post it notes to see how much surface the object covers.We counted squares inside the shape to find the area.
The children have had a week jam packed with art. The children worked really hard to finish their lovely sewing that has been sent off today to be framed! They have done a smashing job. The children also started making their mosaic designs, the children are excited to start grouting next week.
In PSHE the children discussed the different friendship groups they have and how they fit into them.
We also had our class assembly this week. The children did a fantastic job sharing their learning about Ancient Egypt and impressed with their singing in French. Thank you to the parents who came to watch and helped their children learn their lines.
You can watch them sing here: https://twitter.com/MRPAyear4a/status/1233339410101436417
Learning Hero!
This weeks learning hero have shown fantastic collaboration in paired and group work, well done!
Championship Point!
The winning house was Self-belief
Key Information!
World Book Day - Thursday 5th March
Art Exhibition - Tuesday 10th March 3:30pm-5pm
Parents evening - Thursday 19th March
It is important the children keep practicing their times tables. Make sure they are using all lower case for their user name and password.
TTRS: https://play.ttrockstars.com/
Active Learn: https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?e=-1&c=0