We have had a fantastic first week back and have learnt so much!
In English, we have started our new book - One day on our Blue Planet... in the Savannah. We have been using adventurous vocabulary to describe the animals and land of the savannah.
In Maths, we have been working on division. Please practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and encourage your child to access timetables rock stars in order to improve their skills.
In Science, we identified the characteristics which all living things share. We then described different habitats. In ICT, we learnt about stop motion animation, and created a flip book. In PSHE, we thought about ways we could encourage someone to make healthy choices. In Geography, we used maps to locate and describe the UK and Kenya. In PE, we travelled and balanced like an African animal!
Don't forget to check our twitter @MRPAyear2A for photos and updates.
Our attendance last week was 98.7%, well done for being above our school target. We also had 4 late marks. Remember, learning starts at 8:45!
Our learning hero this week was Amelia, for independence and resilience in all lessons. We had four extraordinary zones this week - Jake and Amelia for independent Maths, Charlie for fantastic reasoning, and Darcey for amazing dedication in using ActiveLearn over half term. Matthew got to take Smarty Bear home, as he is a kind, helpful and responsible member of the class. He works so well with his different table partners, and always follows rules and expectations. Our Handwriting Hero was Carlos, for getting used to our handwriting lines so well! Our winning house was Determination, and our championship point winners were Maisy in first place, Amelia in second place, and Matthew, Chloe and Antonia in third place.
Important Dates
Thursday 5th March - world book day. Children can dress as a book character or a wow word.
Tuesday 10th March - children’s art gallery.
Thursday 19th March - parent’s evening.