This week has been a busy week. We have been learning about how Police help us and what equipment they use. We have learnt new vocabulary, listened to a People Who Help Us song, created a song map and made a police car out of play dough. In Maths, we have been looking at 2D shapes, finding them in the environment and pictures and using them to create and recreate pictures. We have learnt a new sound in Phonics, k. We have played Fred Talking games, playing Fred says and sound jump. Children have been busy during choosing time; using play dough to finish the shape pictures, playing in the police and hospital small world, painting pictures, completing jigsaws and writing police reports.
We also celebrated World Book Day on Thursday. Nursery based our day around Pirates Love Underpants. We read the book, created our own funky underpants, played with the pirate ship and played matching pants pairs. Everybody looked fantastic in their costumes too!
Home Learning
At home with your Little Owl you can:
*talk about what equipment Police use and how they help us.
*look for shapes in the environment, how do they know what shapes they are? Are they round? long? pointy?
*Practice putting on their own shoes.
Please feel free to tweet any home learning or you can put pictures or drawings of any activities your Owl has done in their purple books so we can share in class.
Learning Hero
This week our Learning Heroes are Evie and Hezzy. Children completing 3 challenges this week are Elsie, Terrence, Zak and Evie. Fantastic independent learning!
Important Information
*Bedtime Book Bags are to be brought back on Wednesdays. Children will be able to choose their story from the EY library area. If you would like to do this with your owl when you drop them off you are welcome to. We will change the books on the first week back.
*Next Tuesday (10th March) we have our Art Gallery from 2.30 till 5pm. We hope you can make it to see your child’s fantastic art work. You can buy their arts for £8 on ParentPay.
*If you have read a book at home with your child, let us know and we can add a sticker to their Reading Miles Passport! Nearly every child has read enough books to get them to New York!