This week we continued learning about the police and how they help us. Children recalled information about how police help and the equipment they use. They practiced the song we have learnt, drew police officers and added a new verse. In Maths we have been practice counting objects and matching to the correct numeral. We counted ‘stolen’ objects, how many police were in the car and how many police cars in the car park. Our new sound this week was ‘u’.
We would like to thank all those who came to our art exhibition once again. Art work is still available to purchase on Parent Pay until the 20th March.
Home Learning
At home with your Little Owl you can:
*practice reciting numbers in order 1-10 and then backwards. Repeat by counting claps, jumps, stomps etc.
*Sing our People Who Help us song. Our song map with our new verse picture will be on Twitter.
Please feel free to tweet any home learning or you can put pictures or drawings of any activities your Owl has done in their purple books so we can share in class.
Learning Hero
This week our Learning Heroes are Amber and Zain. Children completing 3 challenges this week are Elsie, Terrence, Zak and Evie. Fantastic independent learning!
Important Information
*Bedtime Book Bags are to be brought back on Wednesdays. Children will be able to choose their story from the EY library area. If you would like to do this with your owl when you drop them off you are welcome to. We will change the books on the first week back.
*Next Thursday (19th March) is our Parents Evening. If you have not yet booked an appointment. Please come and see us.
*Reports will be given directly to parents/carers on Monday 16th.
*If you have read a book at home with your child, let us know and we can add a sticker to their Reading Miles Passport! Nearly every child has read enough books to get them to New York!