We have had a very busy and overwhelming week. As of today, school will be closed to most pupils until further notice. On Thursday we sent home the Home Learning Packs. These packs provide 4 weeks’ worth of work, 2 before the Easter Holidays and 2 weeks after. We will be online via Team Meet. You will receive the login details and how to access this on Monday. Each day the teacher will be uploading an overview of which home learning tasks should be completed that day. We will then be available for questions if you have any. Please bear with us at the beginning as this is a whole new experience for us all.
In addition to the learning packs, there are plenty of websites to access, many of which are now free. We are also suggesting that the children take part in daily exercise. The Body Coach TV on YouTube starting from Monday 9am will be running daily sessions to join in with.
If your child would like to do some extra writing during the home learning period I would love to receive some letters from the children during their time away from school.
Please remember to listen to the Government Guidelines in order to keep yourself and family safe and we hope that we will be back to some form of normality sooner rather than later.
I would like to thank all the parents and carers for your understand and support at this difficult time. We will continue to keep you updated.
Hopefully see you all very soon,
Miss Arrowsmith and Miss Howson