Children have continued to learn about People Who Help us and have focused on doctors and nurses. We have been learning about the whole and parts of numbers, using numberblocks, numicon, unifix and the part part whole model. In phonics we learnt the sound “b”. Playing draw the item and Fred Says. During choosing children have enjoyed playing in the doctors role play, creating get well soon cards, looking at x-rays and washing the baby.
We have a had a very busy and overwhelming week. Lots of change has happened in one week and sadly we have had to close school, and only be open to a small number of children. We will do everything we can to provide learning opportunities at home for your child.
Each child has been provided with a home learning pack (those who have not been able to collect them, they will be dropped off) and we will provide more opportunities through twitter and our blog.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and carers for their understanding and patience they have shown us this week. We will keep you updated as and when we find out any more information.
Thank you once again!
Mrs Sheridan and Mrs Wagstaff