It feels strange writing this blog but despite all that is going on we have continued to be super busy with our learning.
This week in maths we have been learning tens and ones within 50. The children have used tens frames, counters and part whole model to partition numbers into tens and ones. We have practised counting forwards and backwards to 50. The children need to continue practising recognising and writing numbers to 50 as sometimes they reverse the numbers.
In English, we wrote our ‘big write’ and re-told the story of our RWI book, Follow Me! We used past tense and adjectives in our writing.
In science, we finished our ‘animals including humans’ learning. The children have enjoyed learning about animals and most were able to use a key to group animals.
In P.E the children learnt the correct technique to jump over hurdles and could jump forwards and sideways.
As we enter a new way of learning from next week, I hope the packs sent home yesterday will help and be clear. Once the online access is live I will be explaining the daily tasks and teaching and providing feedback. Until then I will check our twitter account and please check the school website for up to date information. Please access Active Learn for reading, I have updated all the children’s new book bands.
Miss McGuinness and I will miss being with our lovely class as a whole, but we will keep in touch.