Welcome back to our online learning after the Easter Holidays. I hope you enjoyed your break!
I have seen some fantastic activities being completed at home and being shared on Tapestry and Twitter. Your videos and photos are putting a smile on my face. I would love to see more next week.
You should hopefully have received your new learning packs, we will begin them on Monday 27th April. Our new topic this half term will be Animals and we will be looking at wild animals and farm animals in your pack. Look out for reminders of the tasks, help and examples on Twitter and Tapestry each day. Please post what you can on Tapestry or Twitter, like I have said I love seeing what you have done.
I have made some more phone calls this week and it was lovely to speak to some of you. I will be making some more next week.
If you need any help with anything, please get in touch via Tapestry or Twitter.
I am missing teaching you all.
Hope you are all keeping safe and well.