Our topic for your home learning for the past two weeks has been mini beast and we have been recapping sounds in phonics and using our phonics skills to read and write words. In Maths we have been counting and looking at, copying and creating patterns.
On Monday 22nd, we will be reopening. Just a reminder that the session for now will just be a morning session and will be slightly shorter. 8.45 – 11.30. The staff in the nursery bubble will be Mrs Higginbotham.
-Please enter through the main entrance gates and exit via EY gates. Parents will not be able to come into the classroom.
-I must make it clear that if children are kept at home there will be no online learning offer. This is because all staff will be in school with the children or at home providing on line learning for those children not allowed back in to school.
-If you change your mind and would like your child to return, you MUST give 5 days notice. However Monday 29th June is the deadline for return and no more children will be allowed to return after this date.
To look at the procedures we have put in place and will be following take a look at the letters either on ParentPay or the website at mrpablogs.net/news . All recent letters will be there.
For those of you coming back to school, it will be lovely to have you back, although it will be a bit different we will do our best to make sure we can settle into the new routines and procedures.
For those who aren't returning, you will be missed in class but please keep in touch and post things you have been doing at home on Tapestry and Twitter if you can.
We will keep you updated with anymore information as and when we receive any.
Thank you once again.
Mrs Sheridan