We have completed another term of home learning and once again I am so proud of you all for completing tasks, keeping busy and coping so well in such an unusual situation.
As you know school is scheduled to be reopen to 4 of our year groups (Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6) on Monday 8th June. Here is the key information for those who have decided to return, taken from the recent letters that have been sent out:
- Nursery will remain in their groups for the morning and afternoon, with slightly different start times of 8.45 – 11.30 and 12.15 – 3pm.
- We should still be in Nursery classroom, please enter through the main entrance gates and exit via EY gates. (This may be different for afternoon nursery, a text will be sent out).
- I must make it clear that if children are kept at home there will be no online learning offer. This is because all staff will be in school with the children or at home providing on line learning for those children not allowed back in to school.
- If parents choose to keep children at home – this must be for the duration of the academic year. We cannot add to groups further into the term.
-School uniform will be worn by all children from the 8th June. This must be washed every day – parents will have to ensure that this happens.
- Snack and water will be provided for the children attending.
To look at the procedures we have put in place and will be following take a look at the letters either on ParentPay or the website at mrpablogs.net/news . All recent letters will be there.
As stated, there will be no more access to home learning activities after half term (from the 8th June), due to myself being in class. I would like to thank you all for being so understanding and working so hard from home to complete the packs and tasks that have been sent over the last term. It has been lovely to see what you have been doing.
For those of you coming back to school, I am looking forward to seeing you and although it will be a bit different I will do my best to make sure we can settle into the new routines and procedures.
For those who aren't returning, you will be missed in class but please keep in touch and post things you have been doing at home on Tapestry and Twitter if you can.
We will keep you updated with anymore information as and when we receive any.
Thank you once again. Enjoy the half term break!
Mrs Sheridan