Well another week of lockdown learning has passed and it looks as though we will be doing this for at least the next four weeks or so, except for those children who are allowed back into school.
A number of you have been accessing the learning on the teams page and this has been pleasing to see. After this pack is finished, there will be NO MORE PAPER PACKS being sent home so you will have to access the learning online through teams.
Lots of you have enjoyed spending extra time with your families- I know I have enjoyed this aspect of the lockdown. I've also enjoyed seeing bluer skies and seeing the roads emptier and hearing the birds singing in the morning more.
I want you all to know that I miss you all and can't wait until I can see all your gorgeous faces again. You have been brilliant trough all of this and I'm so proud of you all.
Keep up your learning. I'm sure we'll get together again before the summer holidays.