Another busy week for Year 1!
In English, we have continued with our book The Adventures of the Egg Box Dragon. We discovered that Egg Box Dragon is very good at finding lost things. Now he is being very helpful and doing good deeds for everyone. Which we are glad about because we need his help in finding a lost teddy bear. We are writing letters to Egg Box Dragon asking if he can help us. The children have enjoyed learning about the features of a letter as not many of them have looked at a letter. If you receive any post or letters perhaps you could share them with your child, I am sure they would love to chat with you about what they have learnt about letters. They continue to work hard with handwriting practice and spelling common exception words.
In phonics they are revising previous learnt sounds and learning new sounds. This will aid their reading and we appreciate you reading with your child. Remember Active Learn is a great site to encourage reading and build comprehension skills.
We continue learning about Place Value within 10. We are building on our knowledge of place value through lots of counting, forwards and backwards to 10 and 20. We do this through rote counting, singing number songs, (perhaps you could google counting to 20 songs and try them at home), using practical equipment and lots of movement. We have started on one more and next week will be looking at one less before comparing numbers. The children enjoyed rolling a dice and saying the number that is one more. You could try spotting a number (up to 10) when out or at home and ask them what is one more. If they are good at that, try 2 more. They have been super in school doing one more.
We started our Art topic this week by looking at the artist William Morris (see picture above) and the lovely wallpapers he designed. In Science we investigated different liquids and conducted an experiment on which liquid would travel the furthest in 30 seconds. The children made a prediction, recorded findings and wrote a conclusion. The children continue to enjoy PE and dance and are adding to the dance they are learning. In music they are remembering more of our song, Hey You and they sound great when singing together.
Learning Hero - Oliver
Handwriting Hero - Emily
Extraordinary Zone - Harper
Championship Winners - Harper, Anais and Kian
Winning House - Determination
Learning Hero - Awa
Handwriting Hero - Sophie
Championship Winners - Daisy, Bobbie and Awa
Well done to all!
Home Learning
See Teams for this weeks CEW spellings, reading on Active Learn and Sumdog Maths. Look out for a challenge between 1A and 1B IN Sumdog, who will be the victors?
Sumdogs - 3 children this week, Marshall, Summer and Jack T.
Sumdogs - Walter, Oliver, Awa, Poppy, Sophie, Meadow and Daisy
Key Information
- Please come in your PE kits for PE on Tuesdays.
- Reading books have been sent out today. Please bring them back on Friday to be changed.
- Keep up to date via Twitter at @MRPAyear1A or Teams @MRPAyear1B
Have a lovely weekend