Hi everyone, I can’t quite believe we have nearly finished the first half term of Year 2! The children have worked so hard and I’m so proud of them. One more week until they have a well deserved week off!
Thanks to everyone who handed in their reading books this week. Remember, due to Covid restrictions we are only allowed to change reading books on a Wednesday (the same day you wear your PE kits!)
It would be great to see even more children bring their reading books to school next Wednesday.
This week we have continued our unit on addition and subtraction. The children have been introduced to column addition and subtraction, and have used images/ representations to help them develop their understanding. Please continue to build on these at home and on Sumdog.
This week we started our new book: The Dark by Lemony Snicket. So far we have looked at different book trailers, read the start of the book, and described the dark. The children cannot wait to see what will happen and made some fabulous predictions!
This week, we started our work on Grace Darling. Why not ask your child why she is a significant person?
In Art, we continued our Space Art project.
For now, homework will consist of weekly spelling tasks on Teams, as well as Maths activities on Sumdog and TT Rockstars.
Please check your child's bag as logins for all these resources have been sent home.
If you have any questions please use Teams as a communication tool or email the office to make an appointment.
PE will be on Wednesday at the moment. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on Wednesdays.
Well done to our Championship Point winners this week - Zara, Luka, Zayn and Madeleine.
The winning house is passion.
Well done to our Learning Hero - Isabella. Her resilience and independence has improved so much!
Well done to our handwriting hero - Amelia. All of his work is consistent and neat!
Well done to Madeleine for getting onto the extraordinary zone this week for her fantastic story writing.
Keep in Touch
Please follow us on Twitter @MRPAyear2A