Wow, we have reached the end of our first half term! The children have settled into year 1 and have made some super progress. We are very proud of their learning and it has been fantastic being back in school. They definitely deserve a fun filled and restful week off.
In English, we finally read to the end of our book The Adventures of the Egg Box Dragon. The children were so excited to hear the complete story and pleased to hear that Egg Box Dragon received a medal from the Queen for finding her missing diamond. Some children really enjoyed the mischievous ending when they discovered that Egg Box Dragon had burnt a hole in the Queen's hedge. Unexpectedly, we received a letter from the 'author' asking the children to write a book review so that others could enjoy the story too. The children were eager to write their book review and incorporated adjectives and correct spelling of common exception words that they have been learning at school and for homework into their writing. We have been impressed with their enthusiasm, hard work and amazing ideas in their writing.
We have continued with handwriting and reading and spelling common exception words to help with our fluency.
In phonics we are revising previous learnt sounds and learning new sounds. This will aid reading and we appreciate you reading with your child. Remember Active Learn is a great site to encourage reading and build comprehension skills.
During our Math's lessons we have been learning about ordinal numbers and using practical activities to use 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on. The children enjoyed racing cars and matching ordinal numbers to the cars. We have also been learning about the number line and the questions we can answer using a number line.
We have also been busy with Dance, PE, Science, Music and computing. The children have loved learning dances with the dance teacher! I wonder if any have shown you at home? In Science we conducted an experiment to see which material would protect an egg. The children were excited to get outside and carry out the experiment. Sadly, none of the materials protected the egg and we had a few ideas why that happened and what we would do next time to protect the egg, or make sure that we carried out a fair test. In music the children practiced keeping the pulse of our song, Hey You on the glockenspiel. They are beginning to sound quite good.
Learning Hero - Louie
Handwriting Hero - Olivia
Extraordinary Zone - Renaya, Oliver, Jack T and Harper
Championship Winners - Marshall, Delia, Anais, Jack T, Jack B and Grace.
Winning House - Determination
Learning Hero - Daisy
Handwriting Hero - Raife
Extraordinary Zone - Meadow, Jasmine, Sophie.
Championship Winners - Oliver, Gabriel and Liya
Winning House - Passion
Well done to all!
Home Learning
See Teams for this weeks CEW spellings, reading on Active Learn and Sumdog Maths. Look out for a challenge in the classes on Sumdog. Who will be this weeks victor?
Sumdogs - Only one person went on Sumdog this week :( - Well done Anais, our competition winner!
Active Learn completed books - Anais
Sumdogs - Walter, Raife, Meadow, Isabella, Poppy, Daisy, Sophie and Oliver! Walter was this weeks winner!
Active Learn completed books - Walter, Bobbie, Daisy, Brooke, Meadow and Oliver!
Key Information
- Please come in your PE kits for PE on Tuesdays.
- Reading books have been sent out today. Please bring them back on Friday to be changed.
- Keep up to date via Twitter at @MRPAyear1A or @MRPAyear1B
-Please make sure you have access to Teams. If you do not have your log in, please let us know.
-We finish for a weeks holiday on Friday 23rd October. See you Monday 2nd November.
Have a lovely and safe half term.