Hello everyone. We made it to the end of a very successful first half term! 

The children have been absolutely fantastic and we are so proud of what they have achieved.


In English this week, we completed our narrative written piece based on the Stone Age Boy text. We included a variety of skills, including fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and paragraphs. Mr Clarke and I have loved reading these! 

In Maths, we have been continuing to use the column method to solve various addition and subtraction calculations, using two digit and three digit numbers. 

Our History lessons have been focussing on the tools that were used to farm and how humans began to become self-sufficient. We had a go at grinding and crushing peppercorns using large stones to replicate what a quern would have been used for. After half term, we will go onto study the Skara Brae settlement from the Neolithic era. 

Learning Heroes

3A: Benjamin

3B: Khang


Championship Point Winners

3A: Macie Ann

3B: Abu


Have a lovely week everyone and stay safe! 

Miss Huelin and Mr Clarke