It's the end of our first half term in Year 2! The children have worked so hard and I’m so proud of them. I hope you are safely enjoying your week off.
This half term, 8 children have brought their reading books in every week. Thank you so much to those families for supporting their child's reading! It would be great to give out even more reading awards at the end of next half term. Please remember that we change reading books the same day as we have PE. In Autumn 2, this will be on Tuesdays. Children will need to wear their PE kits on this day also!
This week we have continued our unit on addition and subtraction. The children have been introduced to column addition and subtraction, and have used images/ representations to help them develop their understanding. Please continue to build on these at home and on Sumdog.
This week we continued with our new book: The Dark by Lemony Snicket. The children's predictions were impressive - a couple of children were able to get the ending correct which was exciting!
This week, we completed our Significant People topic. We are going to start our Great Fire of London Topic in Autumn 2.
We spent several lessons this week completing our Space Art work. The children have completed all of this independently and I'm so impressed with their resilience and independence.
This half term, there have unfortunately not been many children completing homework on teams. Activities are set every week. On the last day, I sent home a work book with instructions and log in information written on the inside for each child.
Every week, there is a spelling, reading and maths task. The spelling and reading tasks will be set on Teams as assignments. The maths task will be set on Sumdog. There will also be regular challenges on TTRockStars.
It is vital that you check Teams every week in order to view and hand in your child's homework. If you need any help with using Teams, please come and ask for help!
PE will be on Tuesday and Dance will be on Wednesday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on these days.
Well done to our Learning Hero - Keisha. Her resilience and independence has improved so much!
Well done to our handwriting hero - Buddy. He has been working hard at home to improve his handwriting.
Well done to Sam and Luka for getting onto the extraordinary zone for their fantastic poetry. Well done to Ronnie for getting onto the extraordinary zone twice in one week for fantastic reading!
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