We have come to the end of our first half term in Year 5 and it seems to have gone so quickly! Eight weeks of learning!
We started off as we meant to go on with a busy full timetable, made even busier by OFSTED visiting in our first full week of the year!
In English, we have spent the half term looking at Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz. The children have really enjoyed reading the book and have produced so amazing writing about it. They have produced a diary entry, a letter and a non-chronological report about a gadget they have invented. The children have really shown how creative they are and invented so amazing gadgets ranging from exploding chocolate bars to X-ray glasses and sonar umbrellas! Next half term, we will be delving deeper into our Greek topic in English and looking at the adventures of Odysseus. The children will be expert myth writers by Christmas!
In Maths, the children have been working incredibly hard and we have covered a lot of material. We started off looking at place value as we do at the start of every year. Since then, we have looked at addition, subtraction and multiplication. We have also covered a unit of statistics when children read and created their own line graphs. Next half term, we will continue looking at multiplication and division before moving onto area and perimeter.
In Science, we have learnt all about our solar system and space. We looked at the planets in our solar system as well as how they were discovered and the history of space exploration. We specifically looked at Tim Peake and learnt about what he has achieved! We are moving onto forces next!
In Computing, children have been completing a unit of programming and sequencing algorithms in Scratch. They have specifically been looking at string, number and boolean variables, applying them correctly into their code. We will be continuing our programming unit next term.
In Music, children have learnt a variety of songs including Dancing in the street and Respect by Aretha Franklin.
Our Art topic this term was clay pots. Children have learnt all about two clay potters: Ergotimos and Harrison McIntosh. They have then created their own pots using clay. After half term, children will be painitng their pots in a Greek style.