What a lovely week to end our first half term.
We had an amazing week recognising the importance of Black History Month. We learnt about the inspirational life of the Basketball player Michael Jordan. His story inspired us to write about our own dreams.
We produced African inspired art using paint to create a block painted portrait. We learnt about paint mixing and different brush strokes.
In music and dance we learnt the song Happy by Pharrell Williams and learnt a dance to accompany the song. We have some amazing dancers!
In Maths we learnt about Number bonds to 10 and started looking at comparing number bonds using greater than, less than and equal to.
On Thursday, we had our Gold card assembly and celebrated all our hard work. Our Gold card winners are pictured above - Well done! We are so proud of you.
We have been so busy with our learning and it is good to stop and recognise our achievements. Lots of us have made progress in our reading and changed reading bands. To keep progressing, keep reading at home and access Active Learn. I have allocated you new books on Active Learn. We have progressed in our RWI lessons and we are improving our handwriting and letter formation.
Our attendance was 97%, that is a great improvement on last week. Keep it up 1A!
Enjoy half term.
Ms. Lanigan and Miss. McGuinness