What a great week we have had.
On Wednesday we had a visit for Gwyn from the RNLI who talked to us about the role of the RNLI and how we can keep safe around water.
On Thursday we made glow jars in our English lesson. Next week we will write instructions on how to make these so that our friends can make one too.
In maths we continued to master our addition and subtraction skills and we are now able to add 2 two digit numbers even when the ones cross the tens boundary.
Rehearsals for our Christmas play have been in full swing too. As always, please continue to support your child by helping them lean their lines so we can help them with the acting and staging. Tickets are on sale on parent pay.
Thanks for all the bottle donations on Friday. The Xmas fair will be on Friday 6th December at 3:30. Tickets are on sale via parent pay now. Next week children can come to school in non uniform for a chocolate donation.
Parents evening was a huge success and it was lovely to meet so many of you. If you have any questions before the next meeting. Please do get in touch.
Can I remind parents that the school day starts at 8:55am and learning starts from 8:45am. We have had a significant number of late arrivals recently and this is unfair to all the children. Please ensure children are in school on time so we can start our learning without any interruptions.
Have a great weekend