Our nativity rehearsals are going brilliantly! We are having script-free rehearsals from next week. Please ensure you bring back your child’s slip, so we know who is coming to the evening performance. At the moment, we do not have enough children coming back to put on the show!!! There are only 9 school days until the nativity. It is so important that the children learn and memorise their lines. Our songs and dances are amazing - we need our acting to be great too!!
In English, we wrote some instructions about making glow jars, using how, why and where adverbs. In Maths, we worked on column subtraction. We have nearly finished this unit now, our understanding has improved so much!
In PSHE we identified incidents which are bullying, and thought about what we would do to help someone if they were in that situation. In RE, we continued to learn about the 3 Wise Men.
Our attendance this week was 92%, which is not in line with expectations. We also had 8 late marks. Remember, learning starts at 8:45!
Our learning hero this week was Darcey, for her excellent work in our Nativity. Jake was on the extraordinary zone for his fantastic Maths. Corey got to take Smarty Bear home, as he is working incredibly hard across all lessons and is such a kind member of our class. Our Handwriting Hero was Charlie T for beautiful joins in his handwriting. Our championship winners were Jake, Chloe and Maisy F, while Respect was the winning house. We also said well done to Silver and Lexie, who have made over a year of progress in reading in just 12 weeks. Amazing girls!
Important Dates
Friday 6th December - Non-uniform day. Cake donations.
Friday 6th December - Christmas Fair 3:30-5pm
Thursday 12th December - School Closed due to General Election
Friday 13th December - Christmas Jumper Day
Monday 16th December - KS1 Nativity. 9:30, 2:15, 5:00. The children need to attend all three performances. Please buy tickets on parent pay!!
Wednesday 18th December - Christmas Dinner day.