The children have had a great week learning through our new story, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. We watched Michael Rosen perform it on YouTube and it helped inspire us when choosing. All the children loved playing in role play and with the small world, acting out the story. Today we went on a hunt around school and were terrible scared by a bear...but it turned out to be Mrs Higgy!
In maths we’ve been adding...some of the children have even been writing number sentences.
Hedgehogs have had super attendance last week, hitting 99%! Rabbits were 96.8% but 9 late marks - please make sure your child arrives before 8.55 please.
Home learning this week is to read at least one book on active learn. We only have a handful of children using this superb resource regularly, sadly.
Congratulations to Rida and Harry, this week’s Learning Heroes.
Please remember to get your ticket to the Christmas Fair this weekend. The fair is ticket only and will be removed from parentpay on Monday.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Frost and Miss Collinson