17 September 2021

Friday 17th September 2021

What a brilliant week!  All the children are becoming a lot more settled and are finding the full days a lot easier. 

In Maths we've been learning all about the numbers 3 and 4, discovering how to make the number in different ways, and how to recognise it quickly (subitising). 

In English,…

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5 September 2021

Welcome to Reception

Hello and welcome to our first post of 2021.  

It has been fantastic to meet all the children and we are looking forward to getting to know them over the coming year. 

The blog will have information about home learning, the week's learning activities and it's a place to celebrate the…

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9 October 2020

Friday 9th October 2020

We've had a wonderful 2 weeks learning all about 'Don't Forget the Bacon!' in our Food topic, and it's now time to change the book...

Next week we'll be introducing the wonderful tale of Pumpkin Soup! The children are going to have a wonderful time with the story and the beautiful…

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27 September 2020

Nursery’s Week

We’ve had another super week, and are now already half way through the term! The rain and cold didn’t stop us going outside but we’d like to remind parents that call the children will need a warm, waterproof coat from now on (unless we get any more random warm days!) 

We finished our Charlie…

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27 September 2020

Reception End of our 4th week

We’ve had another super week, and are now already half way through the term! The rain and cold didn’t stop us going outside but we’d like to remind parents that call the children will need a warm, waterproof coat from now on (unless we get any more random warm days!) 

We finished our Charlie…

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13 September 2020

Welcome to School!

Welcome to Manchester Road!

We've had our first full week and all the children have been brilliant.  They've settled in very well, we're so very proud of them.  

We are very grateful to the parents and carers who have been leaving their children at the door, or wearing a mask to come into…

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31 January 2020

Chinese New Year

We've had a wonderful week learning about Chinese New Year.   We learnt about the traditional tale that explains how the years got their names and the children have enjoyed writing about how the rat won the race.  We've also looked at China on a map, and some of the landscape features.  We've seen…

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20 January 2020

Gingerbread Man

We had a great week last week, thinking about Goldilocks and the different characters in traditional tales.  Was Goldilocks bad?  Or just tired and hungry?  The children have been using 'because' to explain their reasoning. 

We had fun learning all about doubling in maths, and we're looking…

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Image of Welcome Back!
9 January 2020

Welcome Back!

We've had a great start to the New Year, though our numbers were depleted by the chicken pox that took hold of so many children over Christmas.  Hopefully we'll all be back next week. 

A big thank you to the parents and carers who came in on Wednesday to decorate the bedtime book bags Don’t…

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Image of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
29 November 2019

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

The children have had a great week learning through our new story, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. We watched Michael Rosen perform it on YouTube and it helped inspire us when choosing. All the children loved playing in role play and with the small world, acting out the story. Today we went on a hunt…

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Image of First blog on our new website!
11 October 2019

First blog on our new website!

Welcome to our new blog. 

We’ve had a great week, despite the terrible rain. 

The children have loved our new book, Green Eggs andHam and have been thinking off horrid food they’d never eat! We’ve also been learning about rhyme. 

In maths we’ve been learning about more and less.  


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