We've had a great start to the New Year, though our numbers were depleted by the chicken pox that took hold of so many children over Christmas. Hopefully we'll all be back next week.
A big thank you to the parents and carers who came in on Wednesday to decorate the bedtime book bags Don’t forget there’s another chance after school on Monday.
Our new topic for this half term is Traditional Tales and all children have gone home with a half term overview of what the children will be learning. Our first story is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We've seen some great letters of apology to the bears from Goldilocks.
In maths we've been thinking about bonds to 5 - not just adding but subtracting too! The children have been using size language and ordering sizes in CP.
All the children will have made porridge by the end of the week - they've had a lot of fun trying sweet and salty porridge - and it wasn't always the sweet that was the favourite!
Our attendance for the last week of the term was 97% for the Hedgehogs and 97.4% for the Rabbits.
Congratulations to Grace for being the Hedgehog Learning Hero of the week - coming back with a great attitude to her learning, especially with her reading. Well done!
Congratulations to Matthew for being the Rabbits Learning Hero - a super start to a new year.
Please remember that PE kits need to be in school. A white T shirt, tracksuit bottoms or shorts, Velcro pumps and a pair of socks. PE is on Wednesday afternoons.
The homework this week is to find another traditional tale to read - the local libraries are brilliant and it would be great if all the children are members and use this service. Droylsden library is just opposite Tesco and is open from 10 - 3 on Saturday.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Frost and Miss Collinson