Welcome back to spring 1 term, we hope you’ve all had a lovely Christmas and new year.
What a great first week back we’ve had (and a busy one!) We started our new topic of ‘Where We Live’ and investigated the 7 continents of the world using an Atlas. We used a song to help us remember the continent names and the children enjoyed looking through the Atlas and learning new facts about the world we live in.
We also started Power of Reading and introduced our book Beegu. It’s about a creature that accidentally landed on earth and the adventures he takes. We wrote about what our favourite part of the story was and the majority of the children’s favourite part was when Beegu’s parents found him again and took him back in their spaceship.
In maths we have been ordering groups of objects and numbers from smallest to greatest and greatest to smallest as well as ordering numbers by 1st 2nd and 3rd.
In science this half term we are learning about plants and trees. So this week we started our unit off by learning what plants need to grow and started an experiment using some beans... we placed one bean with no soil but will water it and it has sunlight, one has soil and water but no sunlight and the other has soil, sunlight but no water. The children predicted if they thought any would grow. We also all planted our own beans to water and look after over the next few weeks and the children are very excited to see them grow.
In PSHE we’re discussing our dreams and goals. On Friday we shared what we were all good at and celebrated any achievements we’ve had so far.
This weeks Championship point winners were Layton, Sadiq and Hassan, well done boys for a super.
Zayn also made it onto the Extraordinary Zone for his fantastic knowledge on continents.
Our first Learning Hero went to Madeline for always being an excellent role model and trying to extend her sentences.
Handwriting Hero went to Levi this week for trying hard to reduce the size of his letters.
Our attendance for the last week of term was 91%. Slightly lower than we would like but we’re hoping for a better percentage this week.
Other news
Our PE days are now Monday and Tuesdays so please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school which is clearly labelled.
Home Learning
Please continue to practise the year common exception words. As we have competed the year 1 list we have now started of the high frequency words. This week the spellings are: ‘a’ ‘about’ ‘all’ ‘an’ ‘and’. Practise reading and writing them and then try to out them into a sentence.
Dont forget to use Active Learn for extra reading. We aren’t seeming many children logging in and using this.
We change reading books on a Monday and Thursday.
Have a lovely weekend.