Our attendance was 91% which is lower than we should be. I hope those that are ill feel better soon. We only had 3 late marks, remember learning starts from 8.45am.
This week in maths we have been learning how to add by counting on. The children were super and by the end of the week most could solve Number sentences using a number line independently. We had some great reasoning and problem solving involving addition and counting on, which contributed to lots of children on the extraordinary zone. Next week, we will be looking at Number bonds to 10 and 20. To help the children you could have a go at Number bonds to 10 with them.
In English, we have held sentences and corrected sentences with missing punctuation and spelling mistakes. Today we built our own sentences in preparation for our big write next week. We have also learnt about the past tense ‘ed’. The children have worked hard on their handwriting and presentation skills.
In geography, the children learnt about the 4 countries that make up the United Kingdom. They really enjoyed looking at google earth. If you get chance, look with them at google earth as their enthusiasm and interest is lovely. They may need help to remember the names, maybe help them by asking them the names.
In science, we observed our beans that we planted to check for any changes. There wasn’t much to see on Wednesday but by Friday some shoots could be seen. We also had to talk about any plants that we knew by name. There were some plants apparently called ‘rainbow flowers’ think we might need to check that one. To help your children have a look in your gardens or even at the supermarket at the flowers and check the names. Tweet pictures of plants with names or without and we can research in class.
PSHE was thinking about something we want to get good at and the steps to help us achieve our goals.
Our Learning Hero - Jax
Handwriting Hero - Gabby
Extraordinary Zone - Usman, Joshua, Kian, Katie and Meme
Championship point - Ruby, Lyndon and Olly
Winning House -Self-belief
Weekly Information
Homework is page 17and spellings are:
are as asked at back
Challenge: Write sentences using our spellings.
Remember to logon to Active Learn to find exciting books and more reading opportunities.
For maths try Topmarks - Number bonds to 10/20
Homework is due back Monday
Reading books are due back Monday and Thursday
PE is on Monday and Tuesday