In science this week we had some exciting news that the beans we planted last week have grown! On Wednesday only one had a shoot but by Friday they all had shoots. We learnt the names of some common garden plants and then created our own garden naming our favourite plants and flowers.
Geography this week we looked more closely at the United Kingdom and the 4 countries within it, including each counties flag and how they create the UK flag. We also used Google Earth to look at the UK and next week we will be investigating where we live using this.
In maths we have been using a tens frame and a number line to add 2 numbers up to 20. Next week we will be building on our number bond knowledge to use this to help us solve addition sentences.
In PSHE this half term we’re discussing our dreams and goals. This week we thought about the steps it takes to achieve a goal and what mindset we need to achieve a goal, however small or big it may be.
This weeks Championship house winners were Respect.
We had 4 children on the Extraordinary Zone this week. Buddy, Isabella and Levi for showing resilience in maths and Alfie for being reflective in English.
Learning Hero this week went to Layton for being resilient in improving his handwriting.
Handwriting Hero went to Zara this week for beautiful presentation across all subjects.
Our attendance for the first week back was 96.5% - just about making the school target of 97%!
Other news
Our PE days are now Monday and Tuesdays so please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school which is clearly labelled.
Home Learning
Please continue to practise the year common exception words. As we have competed the year 1 list we have now started of the high frequency words. This week the spellings are: ‘are’ ‘as’ ‘asked’ ‘at’ ‘back’. Practise reading and writing them and then try to put them into a sentence.
Dont forget to use Active Learn for extra reading. We aren’t seeing many children logging in and using this.
We change reading books on a Monday and Thursday.
Have a lovely weekend.